Beate Früh
Working with language, texts and words is a common thread that runs through my professional career. Translation, interpreting, terminology and technical editing – I have learnt everything from scratch and implemented it in a wide variety of positions and projects. I have continually enriched this technical expertise through excursions into other cultures and industries and with numerous other professional and social competences.
My philosophy:
I would like to pass on my practical experience so that as many companies as possible can benefit by introducing and conducting terminology work and translation management, on a large or small scale, with a practical orientation and cost-effectively.
Professional career
- January 2019: ECQA Certified Terminology Manager – Advanced
- Since April 2018: Lecturer at the University of Anhalt in Köthen
- October 2016 – February 2017: Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Knowledge Management at the IKF in Lucerne, Switzerland
- Since October 2013: Self-employed at Büro b3
- Since 2013: Teaching position at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur
- 2009 – 2018: Teaching position at the Rapperswil Institute of Technology
- 2011 – 2013: Self-employed work as senior consultant for terminology and translation management at Termsolutions
- 2007 – 2011: Director of language services at Geberit International AG
- 2005 – 2006: Advanced training as terminologist (CAS Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur)
- Since 2004: Practical experience as terminologist and translation manager
- 2002 – 2003: Advanced training as certified Swiss technical editor
- 1996 – 2007: Technical editor (aviation, software, sanitation technology)
- 1995 – 1996: Teaching position at IFA Erlangen with emphasis on terminology, translation and liaison interpreting
- 1989 – 1996: Various positions in companies involved in aviation, medical technology and telecommunications
- 1987 – 1989: Studies in translation and interpreting for German and Spanish with English as secondary language, specializing in economics; graduated as state-certified translator
- 1985 – 1987: Basic studies in geography, geology and macroeconomics
Language skills
German (native language), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent), French (fluent) and Italian (basic skills)
Industry experience
My areas of technical expertise include especially:
- Mechanical and plant engineering
- Automotive industry
- Medical technology
- Sanitation technology
- Flooring technology
- Telecommunications
- Aviation industry
- Software industry
Publications & Presentations
A list of my current publications and documentation for workshops and presentations can be found here.
A list of terminology tools, authoring and editing systems as well as other tools I have already worked with can be found here.
- DTT (Deutscher Terminologietag e.V.)
- TermNet
- GTW (Association for terminology and knowledge transfer)
- tecom Switzerland
- AIIM (Association for Information and Image Management)
- ETUG (European TRADOS User Group)
- VFF (Association of Friends and Patrons of the Institute for Foreign Languages and International Studies at Erlangen)
- DGI (German Society of Information and Knowledge e.V.)
Social networks
Terminology tools
- SDL MultiTerm (Desktop und Server)
- SDL Language Cloud Terminology
- quickTerm
- crossTerm
- termXplorer
- LookUp
- Wordbee
- WebTerm
- qTerm
- UniTerm
- MultiTerm Extract
- Synchroterm
- Velingua
- Excelling Multiterm
Authoring support
- Congree
- [i]-Match
- CheckTerm
- TermXact
Dr. A. Weilandt, B. Früh: Taxonomie vs. Terminologie – zwei Welten oder nur zwei verschiedene Perspektiven? in edition 1/2018, Hrsg. Deutscher Terminologie-Tag e.V..
B. Früh, F. Deubzer: „Von der Terminologieverwaltung zur Wissensorganisation“ in: edition 1/2016, Hrsg. Deutscher Terminologie-Tag e.V.
Modul 5 Projekt- und Prozessmanagement in: Best Practices, DTT e.V.
Presentations and workshops
Lecture: Terminology Summer School 2018
Lectures (in English) at the Terminology Summer School 2018 in Vienna on the topics “How to design and integrate terminology processes and workflows” and “How to manage terminology projects”.
Lecture: “Terminology – Why is a good description so important?”
Lecture (incl. exercise) at the HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil in March 2018 in Zurich, as part of the MsE (Master of Science in Engineering)